About Us
Our company is a collective of amazing people building innovative products

The People
One of the main motivations that fuels our team is to continue building a team of smart, curious, happy and determined people. Every day that we get to work together we know we have already achieved success.

The Technology
ConversionCoach’s proprietary Sales Behavior Platform is built on 15 years of science and art blended into the already proven world best sales methodologies and our algorithms combine to help you achieve more sales in a simple and sustainable system. This is the most important piece of your tech stack next to your CRM. We take hundreds of behaviors and feed them to you 1 or 2 at a time. Start a trial today to prove it!

Our Core Values
- Be Passionate
- Be Creative
- Practice Gratitude
- Find Solutions
- Be an Entrepreneur

Jason DeAmato
With 20 years experience as a revenue leader Jason gravitated early towards the behavior side of selling. His experience spans multiple industries which prove that sales behaviors when executed well do not relate to industries. His vision for ConversionCoach was born when he owned a call center in Beverly Massachusetts in 2007. That company was quickly successful then crashed slowly and painfully. Since then he has transformed the selling culture at many organizations with a focus on increase in conversion, decrease in ramp and higher retention and morale of sales teams. He is energized by spending quality time with his daughters, playing in his band, all things music, psychology, great conversations, curious people, comedy, water, daily meditation and travel. He wishes he was funny enough to be a comedian. Sadly he is not even close.

Mike Tang
Mike has 25 years experience in full software development lifecycle (SDLC), financial projections, department building, front and back end development. Mike moved his desk into the sales bullpen 10 years ago and has never lost his love for enabling and understanding salespeople. Mike is inspired by taking over risky projects and finalizing them on tight deadlines within budget. He has decades of producing full technical documentation and specs as well as designing complex information systems. Mike is energized by cooking amazing food for his family, yoga, mentoring young developers, swimming, cycling, and warm weather. He is known around ConversionCoach as Jedi or superhero. We can’t decide which…